Rabbi Robinson’s Sermon Feb. 17 2023

Mishpatim Plaut p. 523 Source Sheet by Yair Robinson     Exodus 24:1-4   (1) Then [God] said to Moses, “Come up to יהוה, with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders of Israel, and bow low from afar. (2) Moses alone shall come near יהוה; but the others shall...

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Rabbi Robinson’s Sermon Feb. 25, 2022

Vayakheil for Reading Plaut p. 612 Source Sheet by Yair Robinson     Exodus 35:1-3 (1) Moses then convoked the whole Israelite community and said to them: These are the things that יהוה has commanded you to do: (2) On six days work may be done, but on the seventh...

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Rabbi Koppel Sermon January 17,2020

Last month, I had the joy of attending the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial Convention.  I’ve long enjoyed these gatherings.  I have the chance to see friends who I never see enough of; colleagues from around the world; congregants from previous positions.  I have the pleasure of working in this...

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