Message From The Clergy

Message From The Board

High Holidays Learning and Fellowship Opportunities

As we start our journey to the High Holidays, the month of Elul is an opportune time to consider our relationships - with our selves, with our families, with God. Each Wednesday, for the four weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah, join us for this exploration. Come for one or come for all and watch the weekly email for details.

Ongoing Project Zug Class: God of Our Mothers: What Our Matriarchs Teach Us About Connecting to God
September 4, 11, 18, 25, 5:30-7:00 PM

The image of God as “King” reverberates throughout the High Holiday liturgy. This image evokes a hierarchical relationship with God, suggesting that we relate to God as subjects. Rosh Hashanah’s Torah and Haftarah readings, however, center our foremothers. In this course, we will explore what these matriarchs teach us about connecting to God. Additionally, their stories open up another metaphor for relating to God: God as “Mother.”

The Hadar Institute’s Project Zug ( empowers Jews to take ownership of their learning and deepen relationships through one-on-one (havruta) learning. This unique program is for people of all backgrounds, providing compelling and accessible learning materials designed to be studied independently in pairs or groups. Jewish communities and organizations use Project Zug to enhance their adult learning offerings and build community.

Registration link:

Prayer Book Resources

This year’s High Holiday services will be held in the sanctuary and will also be live streamed. You may follow along at home with a copy of Mishkan HaNefesh! Kindle versions may be purchased here:

Click here for Mishkan HaNefesh for Rosh Hashanah

Click here for Mishkan HaNefesh for Yom Kippur

Hard copies of Mishkan HaNefesh may be ordered from CCAR Press here:

Selichot, Rosh Hashanah

Saturday evening, September 28, beginning at 7:00 PM as we anticipate the High Holidays.
We will begin the evening by celebrating the conclusion of Shabbat with Havdalah lead by the Beth Emeth Youth Group, followed by a dessert reception. The evening will conclude with a service where we will change the Torah mantles and prepare for Rosh Hashanah which begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2.

Second Day Rosh Hashanah Discussion and Brunch
Saturday, October 4, beginning at at 12:00 PM., this year, we will explore what it means to tell our individual stories and add them to our larger communal narrative. Together, we will imagine how our matriarchs and patriarchs might tell their own stories, and then we will have a chance to tell a bit of our own stories.

Register Here:

High Holidays Service Schedule

Please note that each service is available via YouTube, except the Youth Camp and Tot Services.

Rosh Hashanah

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, October 2

Evening Service 8:00 PM

Rosh Hashanah Thursday, October 3

Tot Service 8:30 AM

Traditional Service 9:30 AM

Youth Camp Service 9:30 AM

Contemporary Service 1:30 PM

Tashlich 3:15 PM

Join us for a Taschlich Service and shofar blowing, following the afternoon Rosh Hashanah service on Thursday, October 3 at 3:15. We will gather in the parking lot to hear the shofar and continue down to the creek to cast away our misdeeds of 5784 and start fresh in 5785.

Below is a link for a Personal Tashlich Service if you prefer.

Yom Kippur

Erev Yom Kippur Friday, October 11

Kol Nidre 8:00 PM

Yom Kippur Saturday, October 12

Tot Service 8:30 AM

Traditional Service 9:30 AM

Youth Camp Service 9:30 AM

Contemporary Service 1:30 PM

Afternoon Service 3:30 PM (Yizkor and Neilah to Follow)

Break the Fast to Follow

A Yom Kippur Discussion with Rabbi Michael Kramer

Saturday, October 12, at 1:30 PM

Lessons From A Humble Rabbi: the life of Reb Zusya

Community Break Fast:

Join us in breaking the fast immediately following Neilah (approximately 6:30 PM) on Saturday, October 12. The cost is $18.00 per adult; $10.00 for children 6-12. Children under 5 are free. If you need financial assistance to attend, please contact Executive Director Jon Yulish at

Register here to attend:

Operation Isaiah

…Offer your bread to the hungry and satisfy the famished - Isaiah 58

Congregation Beth Emeth will once again conduct Operation Isaiah, our annual High Holiday food drive, to benefit Joseph’s Pantry, CBE’s food pantry. Joseph’s Pantry distributes food and personal items to food insecure individuals and families in our community. The need continues to grow, so your generosity is much appreciated.

Empty bags will be distributed at Rosh Hashanah. Please return filled bags when you come to Yom Kippur services. Bags may also be dropped off any weekday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

While all donations are welcome, our most pressing needs are:

  • Baby Formula
  • Baby Diapers
  • Baby Wipes
  • Paper Towels
  • Toilet Paper
  • Cleaning Products
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Ethnic Hair Care
  • Hygiene Products

You can also donate by ordering from Amazon and having the items shipped to CBE.

Sukkot and Simchat Torah Programming


Wednesday. October 16, beginning at 5:30 PM, join us for a Sukkot service, dinner and a program with Sophie Lynford, Curator of the Pre-Raphaelite Collection at the Delaware Art Museum, who will speak about visual representations of Sukkot in nineteenth-century art. She will pay close attention to paintings and drawings of the harvest festival by Simeon Solomon (1840 – 1905), the subject of the forthcoming exhibition at the Delaware Art Museum. The exhibition will be the first time that all of Solomon’s depictions of Sukkot are reunited – please join Sophie for a sneak preview of these stunning work.

Please register here:

Thursday, October 17 beginning at 12:00 PM, join us for pizza in the Sukkah. Come for lunch, shake the lulav and head back to work. No reservations necessary.


Simchat Torah

Wednesday evening, October 23, beginning at 5:30 pm, we conclude Sukkot with a Simchat Torah service, consecration and a fabulous song session with Ben Pagliaro. Many will remember when Ben was the youth music director here; it will be great to welcome him back!

Thursday, October 24, beginning at 11:00 AM, Yizkor and Memorial Moment, join us on for a special service of reflection and Memorial Moments. Bring a brief story, photos or a memento of someone you are remembering for Yizkor, so that we can learn about them and remember them together.

Songs for the High Holidays